Star trek ares class
Star trek ares class

As a long-time Starcrafts fan, I knew the kits would be top notch. When the Axanar team announced that Starcrafts would be working with them to bring these models to life, I was thrilled. While some folks have argued that its looks are too modern for the pre-TOS universe, it’s hard to deny that the ship as a whole is both memorable and beautiul….and absolutely worthy of a large-scale model! Its design was familiar, with a few easter eggs for those who know to look, but different enough to be its own graceful vessel. As a “crossover” ship, it brought elements from the reimagined Trek back to the Prime universe and backdated them to look believable. Here was a starship design that checked all the boxes.

star trek ares class

When the Ares first made its debut apearance in the Axanar Prelude film, I was impressed. Stephen on Kit Review! 1/350 Scale USS Re…Ĭonstruction Log: St… on Construction Log: Starcraft… Novahobbies on Kit Review! 1/350 Scale USS Re…

star trek ares class

  • Construction Log: Starcraft’s 1/1400 scale Valdore.
  • Construction Log: Starcraft’s 1/1400 scale Valdore FINISHED.
  • star trek ares class

  • Construction Log: 3D Printed Atolm Romulan Bird of Prey.
  • Construction Log: Starcraft’s 1/1400 scale Jem’Hadar Battle Cruiser lit – Pt 1.
  • Construction Log: Starcraft’s 1/1400 scale Jem’Hadar Battle Cruiser lit Part 2 – Masking and Lighting.

  • Star trek ares class