appdata Edit the config.ini file to the resolution you want. X may be an evil tyrant, but even he understands how important it is to put in the work when trying to sculpt that beach body look - after all, the Resident Evil franchise is filled with beautiful people, so why not make Mr. 'Users\Username\AppData\Local\CAPCOM\Resident Evil - biohazard HD REMASTER' You can do so by either enabling hidden folders in your folder settings, or you can simply type this into your search field, assuming you're running a Windows operating system.

When the terrifying tyrant isn’t busy chasing Leon and Claire around Raccoon City Police Department, he’s hard at work honing his body at the gym. X’s menacing apparel and replaces them with a pair of flip-flops, sunglasses, and an Umbrella branded thong.

No respectable Resident Evil 2 mod list would be complete without featuring Mr.