Head up the stairs (again, there is only one valid path) and you will hit Anzu, the boss who drops the coveted mount. Follow the only valid path on your minimap optionally AoE-ing enemies that aggro onto you (or ignoring them). Make sure you are on Heroic difficulty. This run is pretty trivial. Reins of the Raven Lord – 1 in 67 drop from Anzu Sethekk Halls Map with Routes and Boss Guide Fly (manually) southeast to Auchindoun, where you will find the Sethekk Halls entrance in the eastern hallway once you fly into the middle. Getting There – Alliance and HordeĪlliance and Horde – Start in Shattrath (easily accessible via the portal your Pandaria capital city). This item drops off Anzu, who is available to fight against in heroic Sethekk Halls for the Druid Epic Flight Form quest line. Sethekk Halls is a Burning Crusade-era raid. There is only one boss to get through before you get to Anzu, who drops the mount, which makes this a very easy run. Additionally, the drop chance on the Raven Lord’s Reins are a generous 1 in 67, which makes this an easier-than-average mount to farm. Map of Sethekk Halls with Boss Guide Dungeon Summary and Difficulty Settings Required Difficulty Setting: Heroic Soloing Challenge: Trivial Completion Time: <5 minutes

Dungeon Summary and Difficulty Settings 2. This is a guide on how to solo run Sethekk Halls in the 7.0+ Legion era for a chance at the Reins of the Raven Lord.